A year of training to face a challenge conceived for true Iron men: that’s the topic of the video produced by Enervit Comunicazione and Free Event, a short film about Alex Zanardi’s preparation to participate at the Ironman Challenge that take place yearly in Kona, Hawaii.

After “Racconto di un’impresa”  Passatore 100 km with Davide Cassani – Alex Zanardi and Enervit Comunicazione  bring Free Event back to sport video production.

Shooting a video of someone that deals with sport is even more difficult – claims the Free Event staff – because the result of the product depends also on how the race goes. On top of that, in these cases you can never be really detached, because before being a video operator you are a supporter, a fan who fights with great men to achieve some incredibly difficult goal. However, this is a good thing, because when you actually feel something these emotions are often transferred in the film, thus making it more touching and real.

Check Alex Zanardi training for Kona here!